The Process

Planning and consultation for the 2025-2026 year includes consultation on Council's:

  1. Proposed Schedule of Fees and Charges; and
  2. Annual Plan 2025/26, and updates to what was forecast in our 2024/34 Long Term Plan.
  3. The Annual Plan consultation also provides an opportunity to submit Community Funding proposals to Council.

There will be a separate form for each consultation, so you can have your say on the things that matter to you. Read more about each consultation below.

  • Annual Plan 2025/26 & Community Funding

    Council will be consulting on some proposed minor changes which differ slightly to what was forecast in the Long Term Plan for 2024/34.

    The Annual Plan consultation will provide a Financial update, Rates, Debt and Investment updates, as well as a Major Projects update and a Proposed Schedule of Capital Projects.

    Consultation on the Annual Plan 2025/26 and Community Funding submissions will be open between Monday, 31 March and Monday, 14 April 2025.

    Check back soon to read more.

Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk

We're keen to hear from you.

Proposed Schedule of Fees and Charges consultation

Feedback is being sought from Friday, 21 March until Wednesday, 23 April 2025.

Annual Plan 2025/26 consultation

Consultation on the Annual Plan and the Community Funding submission period will be open from Monday, 31 March until Monday, 14 April 2025.

There will be a separate online form for each consultation, so you can have your say on the things that matter to you.

Feedback is being sought now on the Proposed Schedule of Fees and Charges for 2025/26. Click here to read more and have your say, before Wednesday, 23 April.

Submissions will open on Monday, 31 April for the 2025/26 Annual Plan and Community Funding.

Use the online feedback forms to submit your feedback. Alternatively, hardcopy forms and supporting information can be obtained from Council offices and libraries.

For further information or assistance please contact Council on 0800 350 801, or email