What does this option look like?

Stop the project. Determine the current financial structural needs of both the existing library and swimming pool, along with a cost benefit analysis to decide on what future investment will be viable to action into current sites.

  • Advantages & Benefits of this option

    • No impact to rates, as we would utilise current approved Long Term Plan Budgets.
    • Identifies that a new pool and library is a nice to have but not essential.
    • Provides an opportunity to consider alternatives to a new pool and library.
  • Disadvantages & Costs - Current Swimming Pool

    • The swimming pool grounds have been determined as unstable, therefore challenging to consider investment into a known unstable site.
    • Known excessive investment into repairs, maintenance and infrastructure is required. For example, there is a concern that the current filter may fail would cost in excess of $300k (defined costings yet to be carried out, and estimate is based on new filter system installed in the Balclutha Centennial Swimming Pool).
    • To action repairs and upgrades, the swimming pool complex would need to be closed for an entire season, therefore Milton would not have access to any swimming pool facilities in the town for at least one year.
    • There is a risk that following viability of site and estimation of repairs the pool could be permanently closed, which would mean that there would be no public swimming pool in Milton.
    • Risk of losing community volunteer support.
  • Disadvantages/Costs - Current Library site

    • There would still be the potential future impact on rates as the library needs earthquake strengthening work that is currently unbudgeted.
    • Building no longer fit for purpose for modern library utilisation.

Breakdown of current budget

Funding sourceAmount
Bruce Community Facilities Trust-led funding$2M
Central Government funding*$1.9M
Council loan funding**$14M

*The Three Waters Better Off Funding Support Package is at risk - the Government has signaled a preference that it be used on Three Waters projects.

**Via a $14M loan, to be paid back via rates over 25 years.

What would the rate saving be if the project stopped?

Removal of the current budgeted $14M loan.

Option 2A saving from 2025/26
All Clutha District properties (UAGC*)$68
Properties in the Bruce community facilities rating area (includes UAGC*)$235

*The uniform annual general charge (UAGC) is paid by all properties in the district.

For more information about the Bruce Community Facilities rating area, click here.