Rates Examples Graph
Here is a look into what our proposals mean for your rates, based on valuations before 1 September 2023.
To see what our proposals could mean for your rates we have put together some examples of typical Clutha properties from the following rating categories: Residential, Lifestyle, Commercial, Industrial and Rural.

What do our rates pay for?
This graph sets out how every dollar of your rates is allocated, from water services to infrastructure, regulatory services, community development, waste management and everything in between.

The cost of water
There are 12 rural water schemes in the Clutha District: Moa Flat, Glenkenich, Waipahi, Pomahaka, Clydevale, Tuapeka West, Tuapeka East, Balmoral 1, Balmoral 2, Richardson North, Richardson South, North Bruce, South Bruce and Wangaloa.
All schemes, except for Waipahi, provide water for domestic consumption.
Unlike our urban water supplies in Balclutha, Milton, Lawrence, Kaitangata and Tapanui, all of the rural water schemes in the Clutha District operate as restricted water supplies to allow a set flow of water each day.
All of the townships that are connected to these schemes also operate as restricted supplies – this includes Kaka Point, Waihola, Clinton, Tokoiti, Tuapeka Mouth, Waitahuna, Heriot, Pukerau and Waikaka.
Greenfield Rural Drinking Water Scheme
This will provide a new water source to improve reliability in the provision of quality drinking water to the Balmoral, Tuapeka East and West, Waitahuna and Lawrence water schemes through a new bore source from the Clutha River and the amalgamation of pipe networks. It will involve four pumping stations and a network of 48.5km of pipework. This is a multi-year project that is underway we expect to be completed in late 2024.
Here are the proposed water rates for next four years (GST exclusive). The rate is set as a fixed amount for each water unit (one m3 of water per day).

Variations to rates
Council splits the district into different areas for some rates depending on the range and cost of services in each of these areas.
The exact rates percentage change for a property will depend on which of the rating areas the property is in, and whether an individual property’s value has changed more or less than the average increase/decrease in the district and in that rating area.
The values of all properties in the Clutha District are reviewed every three years.
For more information about rates refer to the Proposed Rating Policies 2024 and the Proposed Rates Information.
For more information about projects and funding refer to Council’s Draft Financial Strategy 2024/34 and Draft Infrastructure Strategy 2024/54.