Message from the Mayor

Kia ora koutou katoa

Thank you for taking the time to join with council in considering our districts future. Without a doubt this will be the most significant Long-Term Plan (LTP) we have ever undertaken. The stakes are high and our options are few, as we navigate new and fast changing issues with the same limited tools that we have had on offer for decades.

Its a cold comfort to know that we are no different than all other councils around the country, armed primarily with only two tools, debt and rate rises to fend off the barrage of new expectations from Wellington. No council wants to over-burden their rate payers with either, but when you consider the reality councils presently face after the unravelling of the Three Waters Reform and the present vacuum councils have been placed in, the alternatives are few. That said, the challenge is for us all to best position Clutha and draw on our strengths to endure.

The immediate future will need to carefully balance priorities. Our district’s population in recent years has recovered from the crippling losses of a decade ago, and the principal driver has been council’s community enhancement projects. Population growth has huge positive impacts along with enhancing the vibrancy and vitality of a district, and councils increased rating base certainly strengthens our ability to function. But there are increasing calls for us to consider the balance of projects and whether it is prudent to maintain the momentum in the present environment. This will be one of the principal considerations for this LTP.

The largest issue we will face unfortunately does not present as many options for consideration. With councils rendered near on enfeebled by the endless chops and changes to three waters reforms. The only thing that has remained constant throughout the entire reform process has been the creation of the new regulator Taumata Arowai.

Running in tandem with the introduction of this new regulator was meant to be a new collaborative structure for councils, that drew on the collective strengths and efficiencies gained through joining into a large three waters operations. That option is now taken off the table. Which for the time being leaves councils to individually either upgrade their wastewater, stormwater and water infrastructure as consents fall due, or delay until Taumata Arowai impels you to do the upgrades, by taking you to court.

The latest offerings from Wellington now place the onus on councils to formulate partnerships themselves. Our future decisions around collaborative efforts will have a fundamental impact during this coming LTP period.

So, who do we go with? And who wants to go with us? As you look around the likely South Island contenders there’s a common theme of issues, but solutions are harder to find. This is one of our most critical challenges and everyone needs to be aware of the fragility of the process. It will always be our commitment that we strive for an optimal arrangement, and there is a genuine desire from most councils to enter discussions, but as always with three waters nothing is certain.

In the meantime, we need to work with you to prioritise projects. Over 80% of year one increases are three waters imperatives and Council believes it is only prudent to undertake projects as legally required and not wait for the inevitable response from the regulator if we delay. That is the reasoning behind so much of the recent debt that we have taken on and when Clutha has 16 water schemes, and 11 wastewater schemes, new consents are a constant and endless obligation.

Like never before I think you can see that we need to work together, dealing with the facts no matter how challenging they are. This is not a time to drain further energy and resources on Facebook fantasy, the reality is enough of a challenge. We look forward to hearing from you during the consultation period so that you can compile your submission knowing you have the facts and figures.

Thank you for your input, we value your assistance and together we will get the best outcomes for Clutha’s future prosperity.

Onwards and Upwards

Soapbox Sessions

Come along and meet with Mayor Bryan Cadogan and the Councillors.

17 April

Milton - at Coronation Hall, 6.30pm

20 April

Waihola - at the Information Booth, 11.00am - 11.45am

Kaitangata - outside Kai Takeaways, 12.15pm - 1.00pm

Kaka Point - outside The Point Cafe & Bar, 1.30pm - 2.30pm

Ōwaka - at Catlins Café, 3.00 - 4.00pm

21 April

Clinton - at Food for Thought Café, 11.00am - 11.45am

Tapanui outside Ideal Print, 12.30pm - 1.15pm

Lawrence - outside the Coach & Horses Pub, 2.00 - 2.45pm

24 April

Stirling & Balclutha - at TPŌMA, 6.30pm